I’ve known for awhile that I really want to work with birds, but as this biology class I am in has passed I’ve started to find out what about ecological research I am interested in and what I am not interested in. Whereas I always pictured myself being really interested in interactions between birds and other species, while we were learning about that in class, I really wasn’t interested.
Maybe this is my NaNoWriMo talking since it has a lot to do with genetics and evolution and such, but I have found myself really interested in genetics and evolution. I truly enjoyed that topic, and I did really well in the part that we learned about it. So its gotten me thinking lately that I might actually be interested in studying birds and their evolutionary changes and their genetic code if I could find a grad school doing research like that or if the research was even available to do it.
So maybe I bombed my biology test today, I still did decent, and at the same time I discovered something about myself. In the end, I guess I had a very productive morning without even realizing it.
But what am I doing here posting a blog. It’s November! I have a novel that needs writing and I should be doing that.